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Weekly Fèis Bheag (Wee Fèis)

An introduction to traditional music and Gaelic for 5-7 year olds.

Our weekly Fèis Bheag sessions gives pupils in P1-P4 an introduction to the Fèis and traditional music. Participants will experience different elements of our main Fèis classes, giving them a fun and engaging taste of traditional music, song, dance and art. They will also have the opportunity to be part of our showcase concerts, learning a Fèis song and / or preparing a short performance.

Sessions take place on Saturday mornings during term-time at West Primary School, Paisley. Sessions last for approx. 50 minutes and run on the hour from 10am-1pm as follows:
  • Session 1 – 10.00-10.50 (English with Gaelic – open to all)
  • Session 2 – 11.00-11.50 (Gaelic-medium)
  • Session 3 – 12.00-12.50 (Gaelic-medium)
  • Session 4 – 13.00-13.50 (Gaelic-medium)
Sessions are offered in either Gaelic or English. For pupils in English-medium education, sessions will be delivered in English with elements of Gaelic. For those in Gaelic-medium education, sessions will be delivered in Gaelic.
All of our tutors are experienced, professional musicians, skilled in working with young people. Young people are supervised at all times and we work in accordance with Child Protection and Health & Safety Guidelines. Our staff are all members of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme administered by Disclosure Scotland.
Places are limited and offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Please complete the application below as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


Price per lesson = £7

We work hard to keep access open to all young people and are fortunate to secure public funding to support our events. Places at our events are subsidised wherever possible with the true cost of each place being much higher.

Full payment for each term is payable in advance and is made through our website. 

We have a limited number of fully funded places at our events for pupils eligible for a clothing grant (proof of confirmation required). 

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