Fèis Phàislig Annual General Meeting Recap
On Sunday 14th February, Fèis Phàislig held its Annual General Meeting (AGM), a chance for the organisation to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and challenges, shaping the roadmap for the year ahead.
The AGM provided the board with a valuable opportunity to take stock, analyse the successes and challenges faced, and set ambitious targets for the upcoming year. We extend our sincere thanks to all board members for their insightful input and strategic direction during this session.
For a detailed overview of Fèis Phàislig’s activities and achievements in 2023, we invite you to explore our recently released Annual Report. Click here to access the report: Fèis Phàislig Annual Report 2023.
For any inquiries or additional information about our organisation, please don’t hesitate to contact Director, Grant McFarlane, at info@feisphaislig.com.
We appreciate your continued support as we navigate another exciting year of promoting and preserving Scottish cultural traditions.